Who We Are

Mending Kids provides free life-saving surgical care to sick children worldwide by deploying volunteer medical teams and supporting communities to become medically self-sustaining. ​Since 2005, we have mended thousands of children in 72 countries, including the US.


The Health Equity Leadership Project (HELP) embodies the fundamental philosophy of all Mending Kids programs.

Our Overseas/Hometown Missions and Individual Surgical Care Programs (U.S.A. & International) address health inequity by providing underserved children access to surgical care.

Our Training, Research, and Innovation program (TRI), provides exchanges of knowledge through hands-on training, cutting-edge technology, and virtual symposia; helping elevate the standard of pre-operative, intra-operative, and post-operative care. Mending Kids supports its international mentees by offering observerships, medical conferences, and financial support for local surgeries. These programs cultivate leadership and self-sustainment in surgical care around the world.

Additionally, HELP affords non-medical volunteers the opportunity for internships and to travel on Mending Kids overseas missions, during which they can shadow and support medical professionals in the delivery of surgical care. Many of our volunteers go on to careers in global health and medicine, or start their own nonprofits.

“Critical Surgical Care for Sick Children”


Mighty Oakes Heart Foundation


Mended Little Hearts